It’s finally here, the Caddossier website.
It might seem like no big deal, but for us, it’s quite a landmark.
A couple of years ago, I met Bert, a guy who wrote a pretty neat Solidworks macro. Bert’s Solidworks macro scratched his own daily itch. As a 3D CAD designer with dyslexia, he really hated the whole file naming ‘thing’. So he wrote a macro that basically consisted of a list of groups; e.g.: Sheet metal – Weldment – Pneumatics – Nut’s & Bolts… – well you get the picture. After you chose a group, the macro generates a name for the part/assembly following a consistent file naming convention.
That’s what it was! no more, no less.
Did I like it? Yeah! but for a whole lot of different reasons than Bert’s itch. I realized that classifying/grouping files could be a powerful thing (killer feature) for Small and Medium Sized companies, where PDM and PLM systems are considered overkill.
Bert’s ‘sales pitch’ was pretty good: “I’m not a salesman and not a good programmer, I am just a 3D CAD designer, but I think I’ve hit the jackpot, all my customers (for who he works as a freelance 3D CAD designer) like it. Sure they did!, that very simple but effective macro saved Bert and his customers at least 1/2 hour a day. Not to mention the effects of grouping.
After a while the macro expanded, Bert shifted to VB Dot Net (we, provided the crash-course) so we could compile things.
I don’t recall who’s Idea it was, but one day we decided to do a traverse (programmatically walk through the structure tree) and export all the sheet metal files to flat-pattern dxf’s. Bingo – we have just hit another killer feature. Even today customers buy Caddossier solely for this feature. It saves them tons of work, some customers (sheet metal guy’s) claim to save up to 6 hours every week… isn’t that a killer feature or what?
So sales went off, we taught Bert how to code in C# and I sold a bunch of Caddossier ‘original’ copies from our homeland Holland to Switzerland, Finland, Argentina, Australia, Russia, Turkey and the US to name a few. Without a website…
Well, here we are today, literally thousands of hours programming later, which is now done by professionals. We became a certified Solidworks Solutions Partner, we have teamed up with Spaceclaim and did I mention we are also fully integrated with Inventor? Last summer ZWSoft form China contacted us if we could build Caddossier for ZWCAD, their Cost-effective, light-weight and DWG compatible CAD platform. As well as their 3D CAD Package.
So that’s why it’s time for a whole new Caddossier and yes with its brand new own dedicated website. And in case you missed it, yes we are Dutch, so yes the website is Orange!
Hope you like it as much as we do!
Rob de Haas